Phantom in the Pasture

I caught this photo last night when my brother brought home a new trailer (btw: the “new” stock trailer looks very spiffy. :))

And I was quite pleased with the talents of my dear little camera.

Then I noticed what the headlights of the truck had caught…

Lo, that famous phantom of legend: The White Stallion…!

There was a whistle and it lifted its head…

Except that “the white stallion” is my own dear mare and the whistle happened to be mine.

Imagining things is great fun isn’t it?

And I am still very pleased with the photos. :)


  1. Oh, what neat photos, Eowyn! I love the lights of the truck and how Windfola is highlighted in the darkness. Heehee, yes, imagining things IS great fun!

    1. Natalie,
      Thank you! These pictures made me very excited and yes *high five* for imagining! I hope you have a lovely weekend. :)

  2. Heehee. This tickles me, maybe because it reminds me so much of something I'd do. :-D Those photos are great!

    1. Emma,
      I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) And thank you! I hope you are having a beautiful Fall!

  3. I have tagged you for the One Lovely Blog Award over at my blog:

    1. Hello Clara! I'm not sure if I will be able to do this one, but thanks all the same. :)

  4. Haha, Eowyn! Imagining makes life so much more interesting doesn't it? Maybe you should pretend that you have caught the white stallion and tamed it too! ;)

  5. Enjoyed your post Eowyn!

    I tagged you in The Awesome Food Award post! Here's the link -


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